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Здравейте, приятели,
Миналата неделя
бяхме на небрежно дневно парти, ситуирано в колоритно дворче в центъра на София
- That Divine
at the backyard, за което не
издържаме да ви разкажем. Въпреки някои леки премеждия (лятната буря/дъжд и
куките) партито пръскаше от енергия и позитивна емоция във всеки един момент от
предварително обявеният 6 часов сет. Но първо, нека ви разкажем повече за
организаторите и концепцията…
That Divine са група приятели от Варна, събрани от
нуждата си да изразят разбиранията си за качествена електронна музика. Или, с техни думи: “The That
Divine platform has therefore been set as a mean to share and promote artists
and their work. Since we believe whoever listen to our music mustn't be snob
the music vary in style as well. We honor everything from deep to tech to
techno to minimal to electronic and so on, as long as it quality and classy and
deserve paying attention to.
С няколко думи –
били сме на забележителни партита на That Divine във Варна, това обаче бе първото ни такова в
София (изпуснахме поне едно – б.а.). На локацията (McCann agency backyard, Sofia)
пристигнахме към 6 и нещо следобед, малко преди натежалото в оловно сиво майско
небе да ни посипе и с град, и с летен дъжд.
Хубави хора, меко
казано приятна музика и бас, който пулсира из квартала. Мм, тамън като у назе!
Първоначално не
знаехме нищо за гост-артиста - мистериозният Деян Димитров, но
после намерихме (SoundCloud)…
Атмосферата, директно предизвикана
от музикалната селекция на Deyan, бе повече от екзалтирана и „на ниво“.
По едно време започна
да духа, да ръми и да се мръщи, а ние си кадяхме и подпийвахме на харабията,
отнесени в селекцията, която ставаше все по интензивна и динамична (yes,
we like it like that – б. а.).
На партито имаше
и много красиви жени, не знам дори дали е редно да оповестявам това, но ето –
правя го – б. а. И като цяло – много усмихнати позитивни цветни хора. Хората и
музиката правят едно парти. А това беше направено повече от добре, предвид
качественото наличие и от двете.
Освен да денсим,
успяхме и да заснемем 2-3 видийца с непретенциозния си телефон Xiaomi Redmi
Note 8 Pro.
После дойдоха
куки, които ни питаха, кой е управителя, но съвсем не знаехме… Партито продължи
още известно време, но… като всяко хубаво нещо, приключи една идея по-рано от
предварително обявеното време (вероятно поради горезагатнатите причини – б.а.).
Нищо, на нас ни беше много хубаво да споделим тези моменти с всички в двора.
Hello friends,
Last Sunday we were at a casual day party, situated in a colorful courtyard in the center of Sofia - That Divine at the backyard, which we can not stand to tell you. Despite some minor hardships (summer storm/rain and hooks), the party was bursting with energy and positive emotion at every moment of the pre-announced 6-hour set. But first, let's tell you more about the organizers and the concept…
That Divine are a group of friends from Varna, gathered from their need to express their understanding of quality electronic music. Or, in their words: “The That Divine platform has therefore been set as a mean to share and promote artists and their work. Since we believe whoever listen to our music mustn't be snob the music varies in style as well. We honor everything from deep to tech to techno to minimal to electronic and so on, as long as it quality and classy and deserve paying attention to.
How can we describe the kind of music we put in the mix? Hot deep house, chill electronic music, melodic but vibrant tracks, contemporary minimalism as well as dark techno with eccentric bass-lines and psychedelic vocals ”.
In a few words - we were at remarkable parties of That Divine in Varna, but this was our first one in Sofia (we missed at least one - b.a.). At the location (McCann agency backyard, Sofia) we arrived at 6 and something in the afternoon, just before the heavy leaden gray May sky sprinkled us with hail and summer rain.
Nice people, nice music to say the least, and bass pulsing through the neighborhood. Um, of course, yes, I know this, why it's something known in advance.
At first, we didn't know anything about the guest artist - the mysterious Deyan Dimitrov, but then we found (SoundCloud)… The atmosphere, directly caused by Deyan's music selection, was more than exalted and "on a level".
At one point, he began to blow, rumble, and frown, and we smoked and drank, taken away by the selection, which became more and more intense and dynamic (yes, we like it like that).
There were a lot of beautiful women at the party, I don't even know if it's right to announce this, but here I am. And in general - a lot of smiling positive people. People and music have a party. And this was done more than well, given the quality of both.
Apart from dancing, we also managed to shoot 2-3 videos with our unpretentious Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro phone.
Then came hooks asking us who the manager was, but we didn't know at all… The party went on for a while, but… like any good thing, an idea ended earlier than previously announced (probably for the above reasons - b.a. ). Nothing, it was very nice for us to share these moments with everyone in the yard.
Until new meetings, friends, and look for the good in life (including - good music/atmosphere - b.a.).
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